4 Benefits of Using Drones for Roof Inspections When Purchasing a New Home

In today’s age, drones are revolutionizing and modernizing home inspections. Home inspection companies often utilize commercial drones to inspect a property’s roof. Certified home inspectors can provide their services more efficiently and effectively using such drones for home inspections.

For homeowners, buyers, and home inspectors alike, many advantages come with the ease of gathering data quickly through a drone.

Let’s discuss the benefits of using drones for roof inspections.

Benefit #1. It’s Safer

When an inspector uses a drone, they don’t need to climb up a ladder to get to the top of a roof and walk around. Often, accidents can occur on roofs because they’re considered one of the most dangerous parts of one’s home. However, with a commercial drone, home inspection becomes a safer activity.

Benefit #2. Greater Accessibility

 A row of homes

The fact is that many roofs are difficult to reach and are plain inaccessible. When a home inspector cannot reach a roof due to some insurmountable hurdle or obstacle, they must, unfortunately, communicate that with a stakeholder of the property, and no data is gathered. However, commercial drones help change that. They can access even the most difficult-to-reach roofs, which one would otherwise need to climb or even trek.

The visual data an inspector can gather using a drone is highly valuable and makes even the most challenging inspections possible.

Benefit #3. Higher Customer Satisfaction Ratio

As previously stated, home inspectors had to turn customers away due to their properties being too inaccessible. However, drones have made it possible to inspect virtually every property and the companies that utilize them have received record-high client satisfaction ratios.

Benefit #4. Drones Are More Efficient

While a drone may not be suitable for inspecting every part of a property or roof, they do provide helpful overviews for the property and roof that can help the property stakeholder. They help a certified home inspector locate potential hazard areas before they complete a manual inspection on a roof. In this way, both inspections will provide for a thorough, highly valuable home inspection report to improve the property’s value.

If you’re looking for home inspections, look no further. As a house inspection company based in Houston, HTX Home Inspections provides the best residential inspection services Houston and commercial inspection Houston in various areas of Texas, including Pearland and League City, too.

Do you want a certified home inspector? Get in touch with us now to discover more.

If you’re ready, you can schedule your inspection now!